
牧师. Fr. Joachim Chukwujekwu Adione

牧师. Fr. Joachim Chukwujekwu Adione joined Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in August 2020 as a Chaplain/Roman Catholic priest. Fr. 约阿希姆来自尼日利亚, where he was ordained a priest in the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi in Anambra State in 1996. 的 Father brings varied ministry experiences as a priest in congregational settings and as a missionary in his home country. 2007年,他来到美国.S. 在圣. 在纽约皇后区约翰大学获得神学硕士学位. He completed one Clinical Pastoral 教育 unit at NYUMC and a residency at Westchester Medical Center Valhalla, 纽约. Since then, he has served as a chaplain in several hospitals in 纽约, Colorado, and Michigan. Fr. Joachim pursued a Doctorate in Ministry in Pastoral Counseling from the Graduate 的ological Foundation in Indiana. He became a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC) with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC). Fr. Joachim enjoys serving God and humanity through his pastoral and sacramental ministry. 他的爱好包括足球、乒乓球和羽毛球. 还有,散步和听收音机.


牧师. 南希·伯德·佩莱格里尼 于2022年5月加入精神健康中心. She serves at 爱丽丝·派克纪念医院 and in the neurology units at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC). As a graduate of Dartmouth College, she is happy to be back in the Upper Valley. Nancy holds master's degrees in international relations from the London School of Economics and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and previously had a 20-year career working for the federal government. Nancy embarked on her new career path in 2009 and received her Master of Divinity degree from Wesley 的ological Seminary in Washington, DC, in 2012. 她是一神论的牧师. She served for six years as the chaplain at the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina and as the assistant minister at the Unitarian Church in Charleston. She completed her Clinical Pastoral 教育 (CPE) training at DHMC and is a Board Certified Chaplain with the Association for Professional Chaplains. Her areas of special interest include end-of-life care and staff resiliency. 南希致力于与人们会面,无论他们在精神上是什么.

牧师. 克里斯鲍恩

牧师. 克里斯鲍恩 2011年加入精神健康中心. 她的主要工作是肿瘤学项目. She also has a concentration in offering support to staff as they navigate the complex work of providing care to patients, 家人和爱的人. Kris spent 17 years working as a speech-language pathologist in neurorehabilitation. Her years of work in the medical setting inspired her to pursue a career in chaplaincy. Kris holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of 新汉普郡, 雪城大学理学硕士学位, 获得安多弗牛顿神学院的神学硕士学位. She completed her chaplaincy residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. She is ordained in the United Church of Christ and is dedicated to being an interfaith chaplain, 与来自不同信仰传统的病人和家庭一起工作, spiritualties, 人生旅程. 克里斯获得了专业牧师协会的认证.


牧师. 斯凯莫里 joined 精神健康 and 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台健康儿童医院 teams in 2016 after nine years as a pediatric chaplain at Norton 健康care in Louisville, 肯塔基州. 的re she served for six years as the Pediatric Intensive Care Chaplain at Kosair Children’s Hospital, and subsequently served as the Neonatal Intensive Care Chaplain and Labor and Delivery Chaplain at Norton Women’s and Kosair Children’s Hospital-St Matthews. She received her Masters of Divinity degree from Fuller 的ological Seminary in Pasadena, 加州, and completed her chaplaincy residency at Kettering Memorial Hospital in Kettering, 俄亥俄州. She is an ordained clergy with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is a Board Certified Chaplain with the Association for Professional Chaplains. 她的专业兴趣包括儿童的灵性, 医疗工作者的同情心和弹性, 以及围产期和儿科姑息治疗.

牧师. H. 约翰Ostlund

牧师. H. 约翰Ostlund 2024年加入DHMC精神健康部门, 从基恩的柴郡医疗中心转过来, 新汉普郡. He splits his position between Mount 阿斯卡尼医院和健康中心 in Vermont and DHMC. Johan is originally from Sweden but has been living in the United States since 2006. 在2020年搬到新英格兰之前, 约翰在旧金山禅宗中心当了14年的住院医生, 他在哪里担任过几个领导职务, 包括作为实践主管. 2012年,他被任命为索托禅宗神父, and received Dharma transmission from his teacher Furyu Nancy Schroeder in 2023. Johan also holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Institute of Buddhist Studies, 伯克利研究生神学联合会的一所成员学校, 加州. 他在DHMC完成了临床教牧教育. 作为一个跨宗教的牧师, Johan appreciates the opportunity to bring his many years of meditation practice into encounters with patients, 家庭, 还有富有同情心的员工,他们没有日程安排. 除了他在十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台医疗系统的工作, Johan is also the founder and guiding teacher of the Brattleboro Zen Center.

牧师. 撒母耳Seyd

牧师. 撒母耳Seyd 原籍巴基斯坦(旁遮普). 他加入了圣. 高中一毕业就去了多马使徒神学院. He attended National Catholic Institute of 的ology (Karachi) for the study of Philosophy and 的ology and was ordained a priest in 2000. 他在加州大学获得神学硕士学位. In 2008 he completed Clinical Pastoral 教育 from the Hartford Hospital. He has been a staff chaplain in the DHMC Office of 精神健康 since April of 2012.

Stephen Warfield

牧师. Stephen Warfield, MDiv, BCC joined the 精神健康 staff in 2015 and is board certified through the Association of Professional Chaplains. After a career in marketing and development, Stephen transitioned into professional chaplaincy. 他得了个M.Div., 在罗利的威克医疗中心完成了四个单元的CPE, 北卡罗莱纳, 以及达勒姆的达勒姆退伍军人医疗中心, 北卡罗莱纳, and served as a staff chaplain at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, 爱达荷州. 除了, Stephen is a chaplain in the United States Navy Reserve and is a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. 他的研究兴趣包括以人为本的牧师, 不同宗教间的对话, 照顾军人和退伍军人, 灾难/创伤牧师服务, 以及牧师的全球职业化. Stephen's clinical assignments are Emergency Department, Medical Specialties, and ICU.